
Fundamental research:

  • The regularities of the formation of the most complete Upper Precambrian sedimentary sequences of Northern Eurasia, defined by the long-term destructive and constructive evolution of the upper continental crust were determined (in collaboration with Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS, Institute of Geology USC RAS and Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS).
  • A model of the stepwise formation of stratiform deposits (magnesite -> fluorite -> ankerite-siderite -> barite-polymetallic) in Riphean sedimentary sequences in phases of rifting as a result of evaporite brines migration through the permeable carbonate horizons was developed.
  • A sequence-stratigraphic model of the Upper Vendian deposits of the Middle Urals was constructed. The most fossil-bearing sections (SE White Sea region) and the most powerful Upper Vendian sections (Middle Urals) were correlated (together with Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS).
  • The epigenetic nature of the Rb-Sr-and O-, and the Rb-Sr-and C-isotope systems, was determined for magnesites and siderites, respectively, of the South-Urals province. Given the isotopic and geochemical criteria, the difference of the early diagenetic, catagenetic (syn-mineral) and overlay (post-mineral) metasomatic dolomitization was substantiated (together with Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS).

Applied research:

  • Mineralogical and geochemical studies were performed to optimize the periclase extracting technology: the mineralogical forms of silica in magnesites and the host rocks of the Satka field group were studied; the regularities of iron/ferrum distribution in magnesites were determined.
  • The oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of Triassic-Paleozoic rocks of the northern Turan oil-and-gas-bearing province was assessed.

Sequence-stratigraphic framework of Upper Vendian deposits of the western slope of the Central Urals



Over the last 5 years, the Laboratory staff published two monographs and more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Among them:
Petroff A.P., Sim M.S., Maslov A., Krupenin M., Rothman D.H., Bosak T. Biophysical basis for the geometry of conical stromatolites // PNAS. 2010. Vol. 107. № 22. P. 9956–9961.
Petrov G.A., Ronkin Yu.L., Maslov A.V., Lepikhina O.P. Vendian and Silurian Ophiolite_Formation Stages on the Eastern Slope of the Middle Urals // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010, Vol. 432, Part 1, pp. 570–576.
Krupenin M.T., Kuznetsov A.B., Krylov D.P., Maslov A.V. Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Oxygen as Indicators of Magnesia Metasomatosis in the Lower Riphean Deposits of the Southern Urals // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2011, Vol. 439, Part 2, pp. 1122–1126.
Mizens G.A. Trace elements and characteristics of the sources of clastic material in the Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentary formations of the eastern zones of the Southern Urals Geochemistry International. 2009. Т. 47. № 12. С. 1180-1197.
Yalysheva A.I. Typomorphic fеаtures of clastic quartz from Precambrian sediments of Southern and Middle Urals // Lithosphere. 2010. № 1. P.64-83
Maslov A.V., Ronkin Y.L., Nozhkin A.D., Letnikova E.F., Dmitrieva N.V., Podkovyrov V.N. Clarkes of concentrations of trace elements in the Riphean fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Uchur-Maya region and the Yenisei Range // Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2010. Т. 4. № 5. С. 379-397.
Kokshina L.V. Clay minerals in paleozoic graywackes' cement: Magnitogorsk megazone (the South Ural) and Borovsk zone (the south-west of western Siberia) // Lithosphere. 2010. № 2. P.33-42.


Research and Education Activities

The laboratory staff teach General Geology, Geology of Sedimentary Basins and Lithology at the Ural State Mining University.


Research Projects

In the recent 5 years, 8 scientific projects of the Laboratory were supported by RFBR grants.