Ivanov K.S., Erokhin Yu.V., Puchkov V.N., Ponomarev V.S., Kostrov N.P., Hiller V.V. (2021) Folded basement of the Yamal Peninsula and its structural connections. Yekaterinburg: IGG UrO RAN, 285 p. ISBN 978-5-7691-2544-7, 300 copies, 23.16 prints. l.
Ivanova R.M., Stepanova T.I. (2021) Algoflora and microfacies of the Lower Carboniferous of the Urals and adjacent territories. Ekaterinburg: RIO Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 264p. ISBN 978-5-7691-2545-4, 300 copies, 22.4 prints. l.