
Applied activity of  the Common Use Center “Geoanalyst” 
Analytical procurement of applied research in earth sciences by the Institute in collaboration with other UB RAS subdivisions - Institute of Mineralogy, Institute of Geology, Komi Science Centre, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Ilmen State Reserve, as well as a number of other academic or geology-prospecting and mining organizations and businesses.
Basic research
The staff of the Common Use Center “Geoanalyst” performed comprehensive experimental studies of structural defects and physical properties of minerals of different classes (natural and synthetic, organic and technogenic). Several models were created and the mechanisms of lattice defect formation and decay were studied. Radiation stimulated phenomena and processes were investigated. The research in theoretical physics of minerals, their atomic simulations, electronic structure, physical and chemical properties and defect formation processes was conducted. Based on an improved method of microprobe analysis, local composition was analyzed and chemical dating of U-Th-bearing minerals from a number of the Ural and Siberian geological sites was performed. The results of basic research were used in petrogenetic constructions, geoecology, biomedical applications, etc. 
Analysts’ education, training and re-training
In 2007-2018 conferences on analytical equipment and methods of analysis were held annually. Since 2004, the staff of the Centre at the Physics Department of the Ural Federal University have trained students in the specialty "Physics and Chemistry of Minerals", and its graduates work in the Centre. Under the supervision of the Centre staff, more than 25 term papers and undergraduate theses were written by the students of Ural Federal University.
Conferences on analytical equipment and methods of analysis (2007-2018)